Start Your Body Care Product Business

Ready to start something new? 

The pandemic has taught us the value of spending time with our families and having an additional income source that you can control.   
  • Do you love natural body care products? 
  • Do you want to earn a great income sharing your passion of natural products with others? 
  • Are you ready to build a new business and unlock a new stream of income?
I have a solution for you!

I have created a full online course that will teach you how to formulate, make, and sell body care products. The courses are recorded so that you can pause, rewind and replay as often as you wish. These courses can take you from concept to coins! I literally will assist you in starting your own business, without the college tuition attached!

This bundled course includes:
  • Good manufacturing practices (GMP) and basic equipment
  • Setting yourself up for success
  • Basic cold process soap making
  • Bath bombs and shower steamers.
  • Intermediate soapmaking.  (Designs and additives)
  • Body butters
  • Body lotions
  • Body scrubs
  • Solid lotion bars
  • Packaging and labeling
  • Formulating recipes
  • White labeling/ Wholesaling
  • Pricing products
  • Explanation of the Profit First System™
The bundled course includes all of the above PLUS:
  • Live discussion once a month for QA
  • Vendor list
  • Master supply list
  • Online tools and resources for success
  • An opportunity to showcase your final product line in a brick and mortar store*

There are more things I want to teach you. (hint hint facial care products) This is the only the beginning. After January 7, 2022, the additional classes will only be available through membership (launching in June, 2022)

* Details are given in class.


Are you ready to start?  CLICK HERE
